5PMIS - english translation of the Scientific Information Literacy Framework "Cinq piliers de la maîtrise de l'information scientifique"

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Scientific information literacy is a major concern for librarians involved in user training. At the University of Liège (Belgium), a framework has been created to map the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary for the search, the evaluation and the use of data from scientific research.

Its purpose is to contribute to the development, improvement and even evaluation of courses and training aimed at mastering scientific information. This framework, called the "five pillars of scientific information literacy" (5PMIS), was developed on the basis of consultation of other frameworks for information literacy, the contribution of 32 teachers and researchers as well as the analysis of courses given at the University of Liège.

After reviewing by internal and external members of the University of Liège, the framework, in French, was put online in September 2017. Tool for coherence and collaboration between the library-trainers of the ULiège Library, the 5PMIS covers the three knowledge sectors represented at the University, namely the human sciences, science and technology and the health sciences. It focuses on the academic context and takes into account different levels of development in the university curriculum.

The translation of the framework was done in December 2019 to allow the participant of the Erasmus+ brain@work project to have an English version (also under creative commons license, like the French version).

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